What My Bedroom Says About Me

I was sitting in bed, attempting to get a few more scholarship applications done posting homecoming pictures on my various social networking sites, when I began glancing around my bedroom, and I realized that it’s been at least since last April that I actually cleaned my room. This sparked a curiosity that led me to Google “What does my bedroom say about me?” and the following is what I discovered…


According to the first quiz, I “become sad easily and am subjected to wild mood swings.” As much as I would love to brush this one off and complain about how terribly incorrect it is, I can’t. One minute I’ll be laughing so hard I’m crying, and the next I’m bawling my eyes out because of some stupid thing that a boy did. Classic teenage girl, eh?

The next quiz called me “Miss Messy!” and said that I’m “laid back, and I like my bedroom to show it.” This one is probably the most accurate of all.

My third result labeled me as “Hippie Chic.” Once I stop laughing at the utter ridiculousness (is that even a word?) of this one, I might have a real comment.

The next test told me that I’m “Sexy, Childish, Romantic, and Dreamy.” How a person can be simultaneously sexy and childish, I don’t know, but hey… I’ll take it.

Number five was a quiz I discovered on some teenage gossipy website, and it for some reason took what I said about the state of my bedroom and told me that I’m “Shy around boys and don’t really give off vibes when I like them.” I’m really not sure how they came up with that (and it’s actually really inaccurate), but I’m a little put out that the website seems to take everything about a girl’s life and lead it back to boys. That’s a rant for another day, though…

After that, I discovered that since my room is supposedly “bright and cheery,” I’m an “energetic and bright person who’s room only gets messy when gaming systems are left lying around.” I don’t even own a gaming system.

The final website I encountered wasn’t a quiz, but rather it was a set of slides that showed a picture of a bedroom and described the type of person who lives in such a room. I’m still not sure how I feel about the fact that my bedroom looks most like the one described as a “Teenage Boy’s Bedroom.”


Since there really wasn’t too much of a correlation between the answers I found online, I’ll give you a brief little description of my bedroom, and then you can tell me what my bedroom says about my personality.

My sheets and blankets and pillow cases don’t match–they’re all different colors and patterns because I use the first clean thing I find. I have piles of college mail piled so high on my desk that it’s practically impossible to see it most of the time. My shoes used to reside in a rack on the back of my door, but they’re currently scattered all over my floor, wherever I happened to kick them off. My dresser is overflowing with clothes, so I’ve taken to piling them in baskets and on my rolling desk chair and on the floor wherever I find room. On top of my dresser are dozens of body sprays and lotions and hairsprays and leave in conditioners and earrings and nail polishes and all those other things that girls have stockpiled in their bedrooms. I’ve got quotes and number bibs and ribbons from cross country hanging on my walls. Inside my closet hangs my prom dress from last year, and that’s also where I keep all of my books and bags full of clothes that I’ve been intending to donate for years.

So what does my bedroom say about me?